The path to Nzira

The Journey through the African wilderness is a path that heals the mind, body & spirit.

"Nzira" meaning "the path"

Nzira is the manifestation of a simple dream. Not just to travel the continent of Wild Africa, but to connect deeply with its people, its wildlife & it's land. This is who we are.

Our Core Values
change lives

We’ve experienced the impact Africa has on the deepest parts of our souls. We craft moments that invite transformation.

communicate openly

We believe that all meaningful relationships are built on trust and trust is built through a willingness to reveal one's truth.

a touch of the extraordinary

 To live remarkably, we must tell stories. Good stories. We lay the groundwork for the telling of incredible stories.

meet willem

co-founder, field guide & explorer

Africa has always held a special place in my heart. My memories are filled with months spent travelling through southern Africa during my childhood, and from then until now, I have been fortunate enough to lead a life brimming with genuine African adventures. 

Over the past decade, serving as a guide in the expansive Greater Kruger National Park, Africa gradually unveiled her treasures to me. These revelations came in the form of breathtaking vistas, serene nights spent around campfires (with friends or alone) and maybe one too many close encounters with wildlife. However, it was a moment sitting on the banks of the Olifants River, observing a herd of elephants during their routine sunset bath, that Africa truly left an indelible mark on me. In her unique way, the continent had a profound impact on the way I perceive her and the way we collectively experience her rich diversity.

Now, inspired by the deep connection found during my time spent travelling, I am on a mission to share this profound sense of awe and the transformative power of the continent with you. Africa's beauty, held in her cultures, and wild open spaces is something I aspire to convey through creating life-changing experiences and helping travellers create stories worth telling. 

Connect with willem

meet DALA

co-founder, operations & travel organiser

My love for nature & travel was inspired by my parents who's unwavering passion for adventure snuck its way into my heart at a young age and has only grown as I've welcomed children of my own.

Many a holiday has been spent in delightfully unfamiliar places, drinking coffee out of a Stanley flask (with a rusk of course) and feeling the earth under my feet. This spirit of exploration and adventure is now a cherished family tradition, and now I get to share this love of experiencing new places alongside loved ones with the world.

With two-decades in the corporate wine industry, I have proudly developed a keen eye for excellent service and of course, a taste for the extraordinary. With a secret love of photography and a desire to continue the legacy my parents have instilled, I take on the role of travel organiser and operations manager (someone has to make sure the flights get booked!) alongside Willem and together we dream up, plan and execute the most remarkable experiences within the continent we call home.

Nzira Travel finds its roots in a personal revelation, sparked by an experience within the heart of the Greater Kruger National Park.

The inspiration behind our journey? A simple yet profound recognition of untouched landscapes' impact and why exploring Africa holds significance.

Our story began with a desire – to share the essence of this connection with the wider world. It was a quiet calling to convey the indescribable feelings that arise when embracing diverse cultures, languages, and beliefs. There's a certain warmth that settles when feeling at home among strangers or when immersing oneself in the unhurried rhythms of true wilderness, where the African morning choir welcomes the sunrise.

of true wilderness, where the African morning choir welcomes the sunrise.

This feeling became the driving force behind Nzira Travel, grounded in the belief that the wild isn't merely a destination but a canvas for personal exploration. Our mission was straightforward – to craft experiences that not only capture the beauty of Africa but also invite travellers to open themselves to its profound influence.

At the core of Nzira Travel is a simple yet powerful understanding – every journey outward is a simultaneous journey inward. It's not just about exploring Africa's geographical wonders and rich history; it's about venturing into uncharted territories within ourselves.

This is Nzira Travel, every journey is an opportunity for you to discover a bit more about Africa and yourself.

what we do

Luxury Tailored Safaris

Private journeys tailored to blend refined luxury with the true feel of the wild. Experience the indulgence of premium lodges while tasting adventure throughout Africa.

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conservation expeditions

Where exploration meets purpose. Experience Africa with a deeper sense of meaning, leaving not just your tracks in the sand but a profound impact on the people & wildlife you encounter.

coming soon
extraordinary expeditions

Unlock your inner explorer through our once-yearly expeditions, a rare opportunity to venture beyond the ordinary and discover paths few have walked before.

coming soon
Journey with us
do you want to live a remarkable life filled with stories worth telling?

We believe that travel is about so much more than a "break" from our busy lives. Book a free consultation with us and let's venture into the wilderness together.

speak to us