Extraordinary Expeditions

With age, comes wisdom. With travel, comes understanding.

Our next Expedition is being plotted on the map & more details will be revealed soon. For any questions about what we're up to, get in touch below.

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Discover Africa

our next expedition

Explore the shores of Tanzania in a traditional sail boat

Quisque vitae arcu facilisis, mattis diam eu, varius dolor. Donec ut magna eget ligula pellentesque gravida. Nam efficitur varius arcu, in varius arcu fringilla pellentesque. Aliquam quis est a odio condimentum sollicitudin. Etiam placerat, ligula non tempor mattis, erat ligula varius purus, tincidunt vestibulum ante sapien nec quam.Nam et scelerisque mauris. Sed placerat dolor lobortis commodo pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at nibh vel enim vehicula interdum elementum a lectus. Suspendisse condimentum porta ornare. Nullam id lacinia mi. Nullam sed ante sit amet eros luctus accumsan. Suspendisse sed porttitor tortor.

Cras convallis tortor ut mi sollicitudin finibus. Sed et pretium orci. Etiam cursus malesuada lectus vitae egestas. Quisque sagittis nibh enim, id fermentum urna vehicula non. Proin rutrum, eros a pharetra vehicula, ligula nisi commodo felis, eget viverra dolor lacus et nulla. Proin efficitur eget ante ac tristique. Ut vestibulum cursus quam, ut tristique turpis dictum id. Nulla hendrerit tellus at tristique vestibulum. Ut nec tristique ligula. Aenean scelerisque, lorem faucibus sollicitudin fringilla, quam sapien sollicitudin nunc, non pulvinar enim elit eu augue. Sed volutpat lacus molestie, hendrerit est nec, pellentesque purus.

Kind Words
"The passion you have for making these beautiful memories and your round-the-clock availability for absolutely any question or chat. We will surely remember this trip for the rest of our lives and looking forward to making more"

Journey with us

What to expect

premium accommodation

Private journeys tailored to blend refined luxury with the true feel of the wild. Experience the indulgence of premium lodges while tasting adventure throughout Africa.

activities & experiences

Where exploration meets purpose. Experience Africa with a deeper sense of purpose, leaving not just your tracks in the sand but a positive impact on the destinations you explore.

conservation impact

Unlock your inner explorer through our once-yearly expeditions, a rare opportunity to embark on journeys following in the footsteps of early explorers and travellers 

frequently asked

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