Budgeting for Your Dream Safari: Nzira Travel's 5 Must-Consider Aspects for Your Budget

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Not sure what goes into the cost of a tailored safari experience? We're pulling back the curtain on what planning a premium safari looks like and everything you should be considering when laying out a budget.

The anticipation and wait for your first consultation call can be overwhelming. Stepping into uncharted territories can be a deterrent for any first-time safari goer - don't worry you are not alone.  To help ease this feeling we have compiled a short but comprehensive guide that touches on the 5 must-consider aspects of your safari budget and how, when combined, they invite the possibility of creating the most remarkable experience. 

Let's dive straight into it: 

  1. Accommodation
  2. Extra Activities
  3. Park Fees
  4. Insurance
  5. Service Fees

1. Accommodation

It almost goes without saying, but we'll say it anyway - accommodation significantly influences your safari experience and how you budget. With options ranging from opulent lodges to rustic tented camps, there are endless options to suit almost any budget. One might question why it's so important - after all, you are coming to Africa to see, well, Africa - not the room you are staying in.

Yes and no.

When choosing your accommodation, you are not just choosing the kinds of amenities you might enjoy - such as luxury linen, air conditioning or a personal butler, you are in fact choosing the way you experience a safari. Because each lodge has a unique way of revealing the African wild to you as a guest, thread count and the menu are really only a part of the story.

So what are you really paying for when it comes to accommodation?

In my years as both a private guide and travel expert I've identified a few key factors that influence how a certain lodge or camp might structure their rates. While we as Nzira aim to use our experience and intimate knowledge of each of these places to determine which ones will best suit you, here's what you need to know about the value you're typically going to be paying for:

The location:

Africa has an incredibly rich diversity of wilderness areas. From ancient deserts, vast green plains and even dense rainforests. All of them teaming with incredible wildlife and each providing a unique opportunity to experience something beyond imagination. Reserves that are easier to access and traverse are often more affordable, while those that are almost untouched and take days to reach (often only accessible by air) are more expensive.

So, if you're looking to tick off that bucket list and get a taste for the wild without crossing frontiers or breaking the bank, then a more accessible reserve such as the Kruger National Park in South Africa might be for you.

But if you're looking to experience unparalleled views that stretch from horizon to horizon, where you wake up each morning feeling like you have been transported back in time. Places where the rhythm of the wild has gone unhindered for millennia, where every day feels like a new adventure... and most likely will be... then you might want to bulk up the budget because the lodges and camps located in these areas often charge accordingly for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Exclusivity, Service & Food

The luxury of getting away from the mainstream crowds and getting to experience the wild almost entirely on your own or with a small group of travellers is the kind of luxury that demands a high price tag - rightfully so. Additionally, the higher the price the better the food, the service and the small details. With a higher price tag you are likely to experience culinary delights, guides with excellent training who will get you safely from one epic spot to another, and staff who are attentive and beautifully-trained.

For example, Lodges like the Royal Portfolio’s Royal Malewane boast a guiding team with a combined experience of over 350 years. This is the most experienced guiding team in Africa and undoubtedly adds an incomparable & deeply personalised touch to your safari experience. With this you are also guaranteed 1:1 attention from your guide and game drives that are experiential and educational. Your overall experience becomes about more than what you see, but about what you taste, feel, hear and touch.

Activities & things to do

Although most safari lodges offer a range of included activities such as guided bush walks and game drives of course - there are extra special activities that can add a bit of spice (or dust) to your African adventure story. And of course, often come with a price tag. So when planning your trip, consider whether you want to do something a little out of the ordinary. For example, why not swap one night of luxury for a night sleeping outside under the African night sky on Africa's largest salt flats? Why not spend a day or two in a luxury treehouse with elephants grazing beneath you through out the night?

While these experiences might add a few hundred dollars to your budget, you'll leave with something priceless... unforgettable memories.

2. Park fees and Conservation levies

Of course, none of this magic can be enjoyed without proper maintenance of these reserves and protected areas. This process can be a massive undertaking; from road maintenance to training anti-poaching units, to fence repairs and upgrades. There are many different facets that management teams have to consider and all involve costs. This much-needed maintenance brought about what we now know as conservation levies. 

We would recommend that when considering the length of your safari and your budget, you take into account a once-off entry fee combined with a per person per day payment for conservation Levies. This can get a bit complicated and changes from reserve to reserve, so in general, we recommend investing $25.00 per person for every day spent inside a Nature Reserve. (Please bear in mind that this number may change depending on the reserve)

3. Travel Insurance


What about the lions?! This might be a concern that comes to mind when thinking about insurance...While it's incredibly unlikely that you'll encounter lions without a trained guide by your side, when budgeting for your safari you want to consider great travel insurance. Not only will it offer you a helicopter ride to the closest medical help if there are any issues, it will ensure you are taken care of if your luggage goes amiss and will give you peace of mind in general while travelling. Let's be real, anyone who's travelled before knows what it's like to be stood in front of an empty luggage carousel, a defeated feeling in your stomach and a lonely trolley by your side... You might be in Africa but your three meticulously packed suitcases are halfway to Budapest...

Travel insurance will also cover an array of unplanned situations such as Trip Cancellations (let's hope you never need this one), travel delays, personal liability and wildlife and nature risks.

We can't recommend travel insurance enough! It's worth the investment, add it to your budget!

4. Service fees:

Last on our list yet just as important as the items mentioned above - Service fees are a common practice across many service-orientated business models - especially within the safari and travel space. They play a crucial role in ensuring you are in good hands and experience an expertly-curated journey that both delights and inspires you.

Nzira Travel’s service fee reflects the premium, personalised experiences we plan, book and perfect for our guests. But it goes beyond just the trip - at Nzira we also love delighting our guests with extra-special touches that add to the experience long after you've left the African soil and returned home.

After all, our ultimate goal is to transform what would ordinarily be a mere holiday to a different country into a meticulously curated, unforgettable and deeply personalised adventure that you'll carry with you for a lifetime.

Before we leave you to start the exciting journey of budgeting for your epic safari, here are a few Note Worthy Considerations:

Your Visas:

Different African countries have different requirements for travel visas. Botswana for instance allows American travellers to enter for 90 days without any requirements. 

Gratuities for Lodge Staff:

A show of appreciation for excellent service is always welcomed. Gratuities are divided into three: 

  1. For your guide
  2. For your tracker
  3. The lodge staff (Back of House) 

To ensure your ease and worry-free safari, Nzira includes this amount in your final proposal and will be paid directly to the lodge when you check out.  

Transport between your lodges (if going to more than one):

How you travel between your lodges can be influenced by a few factors. The distance, the length of your safari, the accessibility of the lodge or your group size. These factors will determine if you are transported by commercial or chartered aeroplane, a game viewer, a luxury 4x4, a helicopter or a bush plane.  

We discuss these and a few more factors in detail in our “Budget Guide” when booking your first consultation with Nzira.  

So, to conclude...

Just as you would consider the purchase of a car carefully, understanding what you are paying for when going on Safari is of the utmost importance for you to feel prepared, in control and most importantly - excited! But unlike the car, which might lose its charm (and value!) after the novelty has worn off, experiencing an extraordinary safari will last a lifetime.

If you want to add a remarkable African safari to your life story, we look forward to your call.

Sala Kahle

Book a free consultation with us here.

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